Each First Author may submit only one Poster and a second as co-author.
The Posters provide a permanent projection for the duration of the Congress.

The abstract should be submitted by clicking on the “Abstract Form” at the bottom of the page.
Once the form has been opened, it will be necessary to carefully read the instructions useful for uploading
and download the Template containing all the fields necessary for Abstract submission.
Press the “Submit Abstract” button.

The following information will need to be entered:

First name, Last name, City, Country, Affiliation, Personal email, Phone number (possibly cell phone);

First Name, Last Name, City, Country, Personal Email and Affiliation for each Co-Author entered (maximum 4).
N.B. The First Author must be reported by clicking the “Presenting Author” button.

Type of Submission from those in the drop-down menu, the Topic inherent in the contribution, and the Title;

The text of the abstract, which summarizes the contents of the session and is divided into the fields “Rationale,” “Materials and Methods,” “Results,” and “Conclusions,” should be reported on the previously downloaded Template. The combined total of texts entered in these four fields should not exceed 2400 characters.
You will need to upload the file by clicking on “Choose File” and later click on “Upload.”

Once you have finished uploading the required data, you need to click on the “Next” button.

A screen will then open allowing you to check the data you have entered.
If there are any changes to be made it will be necessary to click on the “Back” button.
If the uploaded data are correct instead, click on the “Submit Abstract” button.

The site will then generate by e-mail a return receipt, addressing it to the Submitter’s e-mail and you will receive a PIN to use whenever you wish to check the status of the Abstract;
in case of non-receipt of the return receipt the Submitter is requested to promptly notify the Organizing Secretariat at abstract@nordestcongressi.it.
The Organizing Secretariat will notify acceptance
or rejection of the submitted scientific paper, by January 20, 2025.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
It is specified that Authors are required to verify the integrity and correctness of the data transmitted
as the Organizing Secretariat will not perform any editing on the material received.
The abstract submitted through the Abstract Form cannot be edited.
A DIGITAL POSTER AREA will be set up at the congress venue, with several electronic stations where all electronic posters can be viewed during the Congress.
The complete poster, made on a single page in unprotected pdf format, with vertical orientation and minimum resolution 150dpi, must be sent to the Organizing Secretariat by e-mail to abstract@nordestcongressi.it by Feb. 28, 2025.
Inclusion of accepted papers in the program of the Congress will be subject to the registration of the First Author,
which must be done by April 20, 2025.